Athletic Supporters, or Jockstraps, Jock Straps, Jockey Straps, Supporters, etc... were invented in the late 1800s for bicycle "jockeys" that delivered packages and goods on the big-wheel bikes down rough cobblestone streets. The "Jockey Strap" kept the testicles pulled up, out of the way, and kept things together against the body of the boys.
All throughout the 1900s, and into the early 2000s, it was a rite of passage for a boy to get his first jockstrap, or athletic supporter. Literally EVERY boy wore a jockstrap at some time, and every man over the age of 40 has worn one, or currently wears one.
Athletic supporters were required for every sport and activity, and recommended for general use, including mowing the yard and driving or riding in a car for long distances. It was common to see advertisements for jockstraps in magazines, newspapers and newspaper circulars. An athletic supporter was listed as a requirement for every boy in school for PE (gym class) and sports.
The shift began in the late 1990s as compression shorts began to be introduced and improved. By the 2000s, jockstraps were used less seldomly, and pretty much reduced to some boys wearing them for baseball, maybe football, hockey and lacrosse. Many who wore them were made to wear them by their dads or coaches who know that a jockstrap is superior to any compression wear in supporting the testicles and penis, rather than just holding it tight to the body, wherever it falls like compression shorts.
There seems to be a shift going on, though! The late 2010s and 2020s have seen two things: jockstraps have become fashion underwear, and popular with socialites as well as the homosexual crowd. And, they seem to be making a comeback in athletics. Some well known football players can be seen wearing a jockstrap under their football pants, as well as baseball players.
Many popular sporting goods and fashion brands have released new athletic supporters, some with cup pockets, some as regular narrow-waistband jockstraps. Examples are Calvin Klein, Nike, Reebok, Puma, Michael Kors, Under Armour, 2xist, Body Glove, Tommy Hilfiger, Jockey, Jack Adams and Umbro are just a few that have released jockstraps in the last few years (2020s).

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